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1      The Society shall be called the Balinese Cat Society.

2      The Society's financial year is the period between 1st January and the next succeeding 31st December.

3      The objects of the Society shall be:

        i)      To promote the pure breeding of Balinese cats in accordance with the Society's current breeding policy.

        ii)     To give advice and assistance on all matters relating to Balinese cats.

        iii)    To draw up standards (of points) for Balinese cats for submission to GCCF through the Balinese Breed Advisory Committee.

        iv)    To represent members' interests on GCCF.

        v)     To encourage the care and protection of cats generally.


4      The Society shall consist of members, junior members, emeritus members and life members shall be persons elected as such in accordance with these Rules.

5      i)      Candidates for membership of the Society shall supply such personal details as are required for record purposes and must either:

                        a)     Be sponsored by at least two members

                OR   b)     Provide proof of bona fides to the satisfaction of the Committee.

        ii)     Emeritus membership may be granted at an Annual General Meeting with the approval of the majority of the members present and voting. Emeritus members shall have full voting rights and other rights of ordinary members but shall have their subscriptions waived.

        iii)    Life membership shall be available for existing members of at least one year's standing at a fee agreed by the Annual General Meeting.

6      Members shall be elected by ballot of the Committee and on election shall be deemed to be bound by these Rules.

7      On election, members shall at once become liable to pay the entrance fee and first annual subscription as provided in Rules 35 and 36 and shall not be entitled to any of the privileges of membership until these payments have been made.


8      A President and Vice-President may be nominated by the Committee and elected annually at the Annual General Meeting and will be eligible for re-election indefinitely. The offices of President and Vice-President are honorary and no duties are imposed upon them apart from sympathy with the objects of the Society.

9      The Committee shall consist of ten members of the Society, all of whom shall have been Society members for at least one year and from whom the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer shall be elected according to Rules 10 and 11. No more than two Committee Members may simultaneously serve on the Committee of any particular Balinese Breed Club. Committee members serve for three years and shall be eligible for re-election. Election to be by ballot at each Annual General Meeting.

10    i)      All officers should preferably be serving members of the Committee of at least one year. No husband and wife shall serve as officers during the same period.

        ii)     The Chairman and Vice-Chairman shall be elected by the Committee at their first meeting following each Annual General Meeting.

        iii)    The Chairman and Vice-Chairman may each hold office for a period of up to three years and shall not then be eligible for election to the same office until after the lapse of at least one society year but they will automatically be accepted as a candidate for election as a committee member, if so willing.

11    The Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed by the Committee annually and, together with the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, shall be ex-officio members of any sub-committee or working party which may be appointed.


12    Delegates to the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy shall be members of the Committee and shall be elected by ballot at the Annual General Meeting and shall hold office during the immediate succeeding official year of the Governing Council. They shall be eligible for re-election in successive years except as provided in Rule 14. In the event of a vacancy arising between Annual General Meetings of the Society, such vacancy shall be filled by an appointment made by the Committee.

13    Notice of a Committee Meeting with an Agenda and Minutes of the previous meeting, stating the date, time and place of the meeting, shall be sent to each member so as to be received by the member not less than fourteen days before the date on which the meeting is due to begin.

14    Any member of the Committee who fails, without reason considered sufficient by the Committee, to attend at least half of the meetings called during any Society year shall cease to be a member of the Committee and shall not then be eligible for immediate re-election. He shall be informed of the decision of the Committee by the Secretary. Delegates who fail without reason to attend at least half of the meetings of the Governing Council during their term of office shall not be eligible for immediate re-election.

15    The Committee shall have power to co-opt not more than two additional members for any specific purpose and to appoint sub-committees or working parties to advise upon particular matters. Members of sub-committees or working parties need not be members of the Committee except in so far as Rule 11 applies.

16    In the event of a vacancy arising, the Committee may appoint a substitute who shall serve out the full term of the appointment.

17    The Committee shall meet not fewer than three times in any Society year and at any such meeting four members present shall form a quorum.

18    The Committee shall present an annual report and a statement of accounts to the Annual General Meeting.

19    Save as otherwise provided in these Rules, the Committee shall have power to regulate its own procedure.


20    The Secretary shall:

        i)      Conduct the correspondence of the Society.

        ii)     Enter name, style and address of each member and honorary member in the Society records, together with such other details as may be from time to time required and make such necessary corrections as come to his notice.

        iii)    Give notice in writing, not later than the date required in these Rules, to all members of any meeting which the said members may be qualified to attend.

        iv)    Keep minutes of all meetings and submit the same for ratification at the next succeeding appropriate meeting, or (if so required by the Committee) cause such minutes to be duplicated and distributed to all members concerned prior to the next succeeding meeting.

        v)     Render to the Committee an annual report on Society activities, action taken, etc and any other reports as required by the Committee.

        vi)    Carry out any other duties as required by these Rules or by the Committee and ensure, so far as is possible, that the provisions of these Rules are carried out.


21    The Treasurer shall:

        i)      Hold in suitable bank and/or investment accounts or in cash all monies received by him on behalf of the Society.

        ii)     Defray from the funds of the Society expenses incurred by the Committee or by any sub-committee or working party appointed by the Committee in accordance with Rule 15, or by an official in the discharge of his duties under these Rules, except that expenditure of any single item in excess of fifty pounds requires the authorisation of the Secretary or Chairman and notification to the Committee at their next meeting.

        iii)    Render annually to the Committee a statement of accounts examined by a suitable independent person, showing details of income and expenditure and the financial position of the Society at the end of the immediate preceding financial year, together with a statement of the condition and value of the Society property, including all cups, trophies, etc, owned or in the possession of the Society.

        iv)    Supply each newly elected member with a notice of his election, together with a copy of these Rules.


22    The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than 30th April in each calendar year.

23    i)      The Committee shall have the power to summon a special general meeting at any time.

        ii)     A special general meeting must be summoned within one calendar month of the receipt by the Secretary of a requisition signed by not fewer than ten members and specifying exactly the business for which such meeting is required.

24    The business to be transacted at a general meeting shall be specified on the agenda and no other business shall be transacted, except that at an Annual General Meeting the Chairman may, at his discretion, permit the discussion of other matters and accept motions (and amendments thereto) concerning them.

25    i)      At the commencement of a general meeting, the quorum shall consist of the number of Committee members plus one. If a quorum of members is not present at an AGM , a postal and/or electronic ballot of all the voting members who were not present at the AGM should be carried out to ratify any decisions made at the AGM. Provided the total responses, when combined with those of the members present at the AGM, constitute a quorum, the decisions made at the AGM may be considered approved/not approved.

        ii)     The Committee Chairman shall chair any general meetings.

26    Notice of a general meeting with an agenda of the business to be transacted at the meeting and stating the date, time and place of the meeting, shall be sent to each member so as to be received by the member in the ordinary course of postal service not less than fourteen days before the date on which the meeting is due to begin. The business of a general meeting shall be declared null and void if it can be shown that through default of the Committee or an official due notification failed to reach not fewer than twenty members at or near the proper time.

27    The business of the Annual General Meeting shall include:

        a)     i)      Presentation of the annual report and statement of accounts as required by Rule 18.

                ii)     Election of officials, Committee members and delegates (see Rules 8, 9, 10, 12 and 28).

                iii)    Consideration of resolutions sponsored by the Committee or by not fewer than two (proposer and seconder) members.

                iv)    Any other business admitted by the Chairman under Rule 24.

        b)     The following business may be transacted only at an Annual General Meeting:

                i)      Alteration of these Rules (see Rules 45, 46 and 47).

                ii)     Election of officials, Committee members and delegates,

                iii)    Receipt of the annual report and statement of accounts (see Rule 18).


28    i)      Nominations of candidates for election as Society officials, delegates and other members of the Committee, together with the written consent of the nominees, shall be submitted to the Secretary not later than 31st January each year and must be sponsored by not fewer than two members. If insufficient nominations are received to require a vote, the Chairman may, at his discretion, request additional nominations from the floor.

        ii)     A list of nominees, together with the names of their sponsors, shall be distributed to members with the notice convening the Annual General Meeting.

29    i)      Each member, provided only that his annual subscription is not in arrears, shall have the right to record one vote on any question at any meeting which he is entitled to attend and is in fact attended by him and he shall also have a similar vote in any ballot for the election of officials, delegates and Committee members.

        ii)     Each member shall be similarly entitled to one vote in any postal ballot or referendum which may be held.

        iii)    In any ballot for the election of officials, delegates or Committee members, a member may record his vote by post upon complying with the conditions set out in Rule 29(i).

        iv)    There shall be no voting by proxy.

30    Members unable to attend an Annual General Meeting may make written application to the Secretary for a postal ballot form. Such forms duly completed and accompanied by an attached and signed declaration that the member will not exercise his vote at the meeting concerned, must be returned to the Scrutineer at least three clear days before the meeting is due to begin. All ballot forms shall be retained for a period of one calendar month after the announcement of the result.

31    All questions shall be decided by a single majority vote, except where otherwise specifically required by these Rules.

32    In the event of a tie in voting, the Chairman at any meeting may exercise a casting vote additional to his own vote.

33    By order of the Committee a question of especial importance may be decided by referendum. The Secretary shall then send to each member a voting paper setting out the matter to be decided which, in order to qualify as a vote, must be properly completed, signed by the member and returned to the Secretary not later than the time stated on the voting paper. No decision shall be made on any question put to a referendum unless there is a majority of at least two thirds of the votes properly cast and in the absence of such majority the question shall be referred back to the Committee, which shall then take any necessary action. All voting papers shall be retained for a period of one calendar month after the announcement of the result of a referendum.


34    Every member shall strive to promote the objects of the Society (see Rule 3) and shall bring to the notice of the Committee any matters contrary to those objects of which he becomes aware. Any such matters must be sent in writing to the Secretary, who shall include it in the Agenda of the next following meeting of the Committee, or if the circumstances warrant such action, call a special meeting of the Committee.

35    Every member (except emeritus members) shall pay an annual subscription as agreed by Annual General Meeting, in addition new members shall each pay an entrance fee as agreed by Annual General Meeting. Annual subscriptions become due on the first day of January each year.

36    The entrance fee and first annual subscription of a new member shall become due on election, except for new members elected at the last meeting of the club's financial year in any year that first payment shall be accepted as the annual subscription for the following year.

37    No members shall be entitled to compete for any prize or trophy offered to Society members, or to enjoy any privilege of membership until his subscription for the current year has been paid, except that for all purposes it shall be conceded that subscriptions paid during January in any year shall be operative for the purpose of the Rule as though they had been paid on 1st January as required by Rule 35.

38    i)      Any member whose subscription for the current year remains unpaid on 1st September shall be reminded in writing, by the Treasurer. Membership shall lapse if subscription remains unpaid at the commencement of the Annual General Meeting.

        ii)     Lapsed members may either seek re-election, or may, at the discretion of the Committee, be reinstated.

39    Any person who for any reason ceases to be a member of the Society shall have no further claim upon it and no fees, subscriptions or other monies, or any part of them, paid by him to the Society, shall be returnable.


40    Any member who may be suspended under the disciplinary code of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy shall cease to be a member but may seek re-election (as provided in Section II of these Rules except that the Committee may waive the entrance fee) after the expiry of the period of suspension.

41    A person may be expelled from membership who shall be found by the Committee on Enquiry to have acted in opposition to or in contravention of the objects of the Society or in breach of its Rules.

42    i)      The Committee shall have the right to warn or suspend from Society membership, either temporarily or permanently, any member convicted in a court of law of ill-treating or neglecting an animal, as well as any person whom it may hold to be guilty of gross misconduct connected with the keeping, exhibiting or judging of cats or who may have brought the name of the Society into disrepute.

        ii)     It shall be discreditable conduct to export or seek to import a female cat which is, or may be, pregnant.

43    Any person accused under Rules 41 and 42 shall have the right to appear before the Committee to be represented to call witnesses and, in the event of a suspension, to appeal to the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy.

44    Any person who informs the Committee of any matter resulting in a charge being made shall do so in writing to the Secretary and must be personally present at the Enquiry or Meeting and unless such person is so present the Charge shall be dismissed. Any such person who, in the absence of special reason accepted by the Committee, shall not be present at the Appeal Meeting shall be personally liable for the cost of calling the Meeting.


45    These Rules for the government of the Society shall be operative with effect from 1st August 1982 and shall supersede all previous accepted Rules and Amendments thereto and may be themselves altered, deleted or added to only at an Annual General Meeting. Provided only that the officials, delegates and Committee members in office on 25th October 1981 shall continue in office as though they had been elected or appointed under these Rules.

46    Any proposed alteration, deletion or addition to these Rules must be sponsored by the Committee or by not fewer than two members and must be submitted to the Secretary in writing not later than 31st January and will be considered at the next Annual General Meeting. Any such alterations, deletions or additions shall require a majority of two thirds of those members present and voting and shall become effective on the first day of January next ensuing.

47    Proposals for alterations, deletions and additions to these Rules in accordance with Rule 46 shall be included in the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting at which they are to be considered and should be given early publicity if possible.

48    The Society may be wound up or amalgamated with another club, association or society only be resolution passed by a two thirds majority of those present and voting at a General Meeting of the Society.

49    In the event of winding up, the Society's property and assets shall be disposed of in the manner ordered by a General Meeting, or in the absence of such orders disposal of the property and assets shall be determined by the Committee, except that gifts of trophies, etc, received by the Society prior to 25th October 1981 shall be restored to the donors (or their heirs) in so far as such donors are discoverable by reasonable enquiry within six months after the date of winding up.

50    In the event of amalgamation with another body, the terms of such amalgamation shall be negotiated by the Committee but shall be subject to ratification by the Society in General Meeting assembled.


51    The Society accounts shall be examined by a suitable, independent person.

52    The Committee shall keep constantly under review the standard of points for Balinese cats.

53    The Committee shall compile and maintain a Stud Register for Balinese Cats which may be printed and published at their discretion.

54    The Society agrees to abide by the relevant clauses in the Constitution and Rules of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy.


55    Juniors under the age of 16 may join the Society as Junior members and shall be elected in accordance with the procedure described in these Rules for full members.

56    Membership shall cover year including 16th birthday, ie: year end 31st December, member born 1st January remains junior for that year. Upon attaining full membership no further entry fee shall be required.

57    Junior members shall not be eligible for Committee, nor shall they be entitled to vote, or to nominate candidates for Committee or to official positions.

58    Junior members shall be entitled to all printed matter, circulars and invitations sent to full members and shall be entitled to compete for Society cups and trophies. Winners of cups and trophies will require the signed guarantee of parent or guardian that they will ensure that said cup(s) will be returned when called for and in a clean and good order.


59    Cups and trophies which are offered for competition at the various Cat Shows each year, at the discretion of the Committee, will be offered so far as is possible, in accordance with the Committee's understanding of the expressed or implied wishes of donors.

60    i)      All cups and trophies are confined to fully paid up members and exhibits must be first prize winners unless the terms of cup/trophy indicate otherwise.

        ii)     All cups and trophies are perpetual unless otherwise stated.

        iii)    Junior members will only be eligible to receive cups and trophies if a parent or guardian of that child is a full Member of the Society who will undertake the responsibility for the return of the cups and trophies in good condition or their replacement.

SECTION XV – Membership of the GCCF

61    The GCCF shall have disciplinary powers under its Bye-Laws and Rules over the Society and its members.

62    No delegate or committee member of the Society may without the prior consent of the GCCF be an officer or committee member of any unaffiliated organisation whose activities include the registration and/or licensing or holding of shows for pedigree cats.

NOTE:    The masculine gender includes the feminine and the singular number includes the plural and vice versa.

Effective 1st January 2019


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